In this programme, we aim to provide a solid foundation in all aspects of Physics and to show a broad spectrum of modern trends in physics and to develop experimental, computational and mathematical skills of students. The syllabi are framed in such a way that it bridges the gap between the plus two and post graduate levels of physics by providing more or less complete and logical framework in almost all areas of basic Physics.
The programme also aims to
(i) Provide education in physics of the highest quality at the undergraduate level and generate graduates of the caliber sought by industries and public service as well as academic teachers and researchers of the future.
(ii) Attract outstanding students from all backgrounds.
(iii) Provide an intellectually stimulating environment in which the students have the opportunity to develop their skills and enthusiasms to the best of their potential.
(iv) Maintain the highest academic standards in undergraduate teaching.
(v) Impart the skills required to gather information from resources and use them.
(vi) Equip the students in methodology related to Physics.
i. This course develops concepts in quantum mechanics such that the behavior of the physical universe can be understood from a fundamental point of view. It provides a basis for further study of quantum mechanics.
- pinpoint the historical aspects of development of quantum mechanics
- understand and explain the differences between classical and quantum mechanics
- understand the idea of wave function
- understand the uncertainty relations
- solve Schrodinger equation for simple potentials
ii. Become familiar with additional relevant mathematical techniques.

- Teacher: physics snck